Success Through Persuasive Storytelling

If you want to communicate your ideas effectively, get buy-in and drive decisions this 3.5 week course is for you!

In this course, you will

  1. Learn storytelling systems proven for any occasion
  2. Identify your strengths to create, deliver and refine your first story
  3. Start building a portfolio of stories to draw upon.

For more info click below.

Storytelling for Everyone

In this 1-hour interactive workshop, we will get you thinking about how stories have the power to move audiences in personal and professional settings, and how stories can help you connect with them.

In this FREE workshop, you will

  1. Learn to appreciate the importance of stories in our lives
  2. Connect with one story that has shaped your life
  3. Identify situations – in personal or professional life, where being able to tell a story could have made a big difference
  4. Learn a simple storytelling framework

For more info click below.